Moving Forward

Moving on from past pains and expectations to my awaiting and blessed future. Ignoring or confronting the ignorance walking steadily toward my destiny with God as the leader of my life. This is my life, my journey and I am going my way. Deal.

Friday, October 20, 2006

Me Content

By getting to "10" I want to be content with my life
So I am working on becoming financially, physically, spiritually, emotionally content.

Another area I am going to work on will be:
FINANCIALLY- Getting my savings back in order, looking into my 401K and paying off bills completely. Ongoing progress - Goal to pay off outstanding debt, December 2008

This content thing takes work ya'll. It ain't worth a dang if your life is not full. So I am going to work in areas I have a passion for. Kita loves the kids, and the arts. Yep. I love the arts. So I am going to think about what I would like to do. Maybe I should join the church choir and start reading my poetry at poetry groups or even start a poetry/ lit group? Hmmmm. We will see.

My life purpose is important to me. Very important. I want to share a lil' love to all that I come into contact with. soooo with that in mind, I have discovered that I need my life to have variety. I like reading, singing, entertaining, discussions, good music etc. Gotta accept all the facets of myself before I invite anyone else to do the same, or heck, I need to be accepting and learning new things about me.

I also am trying to look at exercise differently. My twist on it now is:

Exercise allows me to be healthy and More sexy! It also allows me to prepare my body to have fun dancing, playing, and yeah sensuous fun too ; ) I am going to get with it because I want to bike, skate, play a little basketball etc. like I used to. It is great that the guys will appreciate my new physique. it is more wonderful that I will. It is great that my health and therefore my life will improve. It is not an issue of being worth it anymore. It is an issue of getting with exercise so I can enjoy my life more. I stay in the house a lot, and I entertain myself by eating or being on the phone or sitting on my butt and watching tv. That is enough. Also, I cannot wear my mini skirts like I want to, you know with the sexy heels and whatnot. I liked doing that, I felt pretty and intelligent attractive and approachable. It is time to get back with it for all of the right reasons this time.

Ooooh. I almost forgot to do the five things I am greatful for list. here goes. I am greatful for breath. I am greatful that I do not live in physical pain. I am greatful that I have a wonderful home in a community that is safe, I am greatful that I am learning to love myself more, I am greatful for my family and friends, I am greatful for my wonderful job and employer/ supervisor. I am greatful that I have some funds in the bank and that I can share. I am greatful that I have God and that s/he loves me. I am greatful that I am open minded and I am greatful that I am always willing to learn. I am greatful that I have the gift of words and a beautiful blessed voice, I am greatful.