Moving Forward

Moving on from past pains and expectations to my awaiting and blessed future. Ignoring or confronting the ignorance walking steadily toward my destiny with God as the leader of my life. This is my life, my journey and I am going my way. Deal.

Wednesday, October 04, 2006

My Drumbeats

I gotta keep marching to my own drum,
listening to my own heart beat
feeling my own rhthym,
and IF by doing that I lose a few folks along the way
I wish them well and favor overflowing
I gotta keep walking
To my own dang drum
Adios, friend of mine
The world keeps spinning and
the season keeps changing and I wish you all of the best
Ciao' dear friend
I hate to see you go, but I too deserve to go thru life
in the way that I feel is best
It is my God given right and I REVEL
in it
so you may keep your silence
you may even disapprove
I never asked you to always agree with me
I have decided to move with my own groove
so I will see you
and though it hurts to pull
Away I wish you well
as I say Ciao'

Much Love Chik friend mine, but not this time. I am not giving in to peer pressure. I am dating. Whether it is online or in person, I will continue to date. I am sorry that you want to judge me, but I am glad to understand that this is a place I finally UNDERSTAND I must again keep you out of. If this is where our friendship ends, or even if it is merely changing that is fine.