Moving Forward

Moving on from past pains and expectations to my awaiting and blessed future. Ignoring or confronting the ignorance walking steadily toward my destiny with God as the leader of my life. This is my life, my journey and I am going my way. Deal.

Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Entertainment vs. Relationship

You know, I am thinking of how I relate to people and how I do in relationships. Really, I enjoy being entertained. Let me say that again, as honestly as I can. I like to be entertained. If you are not entertaining me, why am I still talking to you? I know that it sounds rather silly, but honestly I have dealt with realtionships in this way for a good minute.

Getting to know someone, or letting them really get to know me is scary. I create walls, I put up barriers then I blame the guy, well somewhat anyway. Heck, it takes a real woman or man to admit that. So after I pat myself on the back I will move forward. *patting back* Now, here we go. I learned to do this when I was younger, I think the only folks I allow to really know me are.... hmmmm. I kind of keep people at bay until I get to know them, no emotional nothing. I do not cry or get upset in front of people easily, I do not..... hmmmm. Maybe the problem is that I do not warm up quickly to folks. Maybe I figure that people will not do this with me either. I like to present myself in a certain way, yeah I got control issues, but I will let you see parts of me.

Once I am sure that you will not intentionally hurt me, I let you get close. I joke around with you, and this is how I get comfy with you. After that I will let you see all of me, the good, bad, indifferent, ugly, sensual, sexual, sweet, classy etc. You do know that I am mad multifaceted right? LOL!!

I guess this time I will take a chance and let someone see who I am and what I am about. I want to be a bit vulnerable, and my eyes will tell you my story if I look at you too long, so I don't. Seriously. However, I will take my time and learn you. I know it ain't fair but sooooo wwhhaatt. My heart is really, well my ego and my feelings are really ... you know.... I am strong but when I let you in my heart I melt and I do not like feeling that vulnerable. However, I really am one of the sweetest folks you will ever meet.

In a word I am afraid, so I am gonna pray to God about it and let me shine through. Please cover the guy I am talking to eyes ya'll. I kinda shine brightly when I take the cover up off.

Pray for me.
