Moving Forward

Moving on from past pains and expectations to my awaiting and blessed future. Ignoring or confronting the ignorance walking steadily toward my destiny with God as the leader of my life. This is my life, my journey and I am going my way. Deal.

Friday, October 13, 2006

Helping out

Aiiight. I am not going to put my good name out there trying to help a person out for a while, so iffin I give you a job tip and I really do not know you, do not tell them I sent you. Why you ask, well because I will have to tell 'em I really do not know you, I am passing along a tip.

Look here, allright. I am helping this guy out. I just met him and he told me about not having a job that he likes or is getting regular good pay from. Cool. I go ahead and let the powers that be at my job, let me say that again at MY JOB know that I have someone who is looking for something is there something available. They suggest a department. I have met and talked with this department before and they are good people. Will work with you and everything. Cool. The job is his. All he has to do is show up for the interview. This fool does not call them back in a timely fashion. They cut him some slack. They finally talk to him and this FOOL tells them that he cannot make an interview to have a good job, working good hours, making good pay because he has a dr's appointment. He could not reschedule the dr's appointment.

*staring into space*

Are you kidding me? I apologized to the guy who was gonna hire him on my good name and rep alone. Are you kidding me? I apologized to the young lady who went out on a limb and suggested that he hire the guy too? ARE YOU KIDDING ME?

So, with that said, I will not suggest that anyone that I have known less than 1 year apply for a job and use my good name as a reference. You are on your own partna.
