Moving Forward

Moving on from past pains and expectations to my awaiting and blessed future. Ignoring or confronting the ignorance walking steadily toward my destiny with God as the leader of my life. This is my life, my journey and I am going my way. Deal.

Thursday, October 19, 2006


i need you to understand
that if i decide i want you for my man
it was not the mess you were talkin
it is not the stuff that you have
it is not the way that you are walkin
listen to me bruh
it was the love of your full brown lips
the way your eyes crinkled and
how you listened and took in my words
and paid attention
how you ran your hands down my back
how you firmly took the lead
how you manned up
it is in your loving caring deeds
and attention
to the details that are a inseperable part of me
it is cause when i am with you I am a Queen
so for that I
smile when I think of you and I
pray that when you think of me
you do the same
I support you and defend you
I honor you in all I do
I know that I am your crown and jewel
I speak softly and don't roar
I don't just slip into warrior mode
I know that you are guarding the door
your meal will be hot baby and
yeah, I am ready for you
if you want to be loved to
a grown woman
you got to figure out the rules,
no games, no mess, no crap
the ability to treat me right
you take care of you and me
and we communicate and appreciate each other all rite
I will have your back a hundred times over
cause I know that you have mind
if you have that type of loving
then i got that kind of time
it is not in the way you are thugged out
i dont need a man who will place me in harm
i want a man who can hold me gently
and rock my body and soul all nite long
i need a man who can stand
and knows when to fight
you can keep all of me with you darling
if you will do this
is that all right
is that all right
is that all right
it all stands on that