Moving Forward

Moving on from past pains and expectations to my awaiting and blessed future. Ignoring or confronting the ignorance walking steadily toward my destiny with God as the leader of my life. This is my life, my journey and I am going my way. Deal.

Thursday, May 18, 2006


to Love. It is not as easy as it seems.

Lately I have not felt very loving towards difficult people. I am a laid back kind of girl, or at least I try to be. If I don't know you and we haven't taken the time to get to know each have not disrespected me so, I mean why should I be kind to you. Really, why should I?

This idea came to my head because of this situation here. There is a guy who I see on occassion at work. He clearly has an issue with me. I mean even a dog can speak. I have spoke to this guy on several occassions to have him grunt or to ignore me or with a low growly tone say hello. I mean, dang. Just smile. I am not trying to be your girl. I mean, to be real, I am not trying to make friends here really. If I do great, if not no harm no foul. I am doing my job, well I might add. Light chit chat and friendliness never hurt anyone, so yes I will partake. Thank you. Yesterday, my patience with his 'tude got really low.

I did not say a thing, but my attitude said tons. I am not sorry about that cause I am human too. Today I spoke again and more of the same.... he was rude. However, I am coming to understand that I may represent something to him that he has an issue with. Moving on, and being me ya'll. I have decided to refuse to be rude or ugly towards somebody who is apparently too simple minded to understand that even a dog barks when spoken to. This happens with a lot of my folks, black folks. I do not understand the deal. I will keep being me though. I will be human and tired of you some days though. Believe it. I will get over you and your rudeness and be the bigger person tomorrow. Today I need a break from silly adults. Yeah, we all have our days, but dang.

That is how come I choose to forgive, and I choose to care, and I choose to get involved, I choose to love silly, ridiculous, stupid people anyway. Folks who are kind and good, they are easy to love. It is really not work to love them. But if you can be this ugly and this callous with someone you clearly do not know, there is a need for somebody to give you kindness on a continuous basis. Maybe one day you will discover you are being a jerk for nothing. I can always hope. I am rather optimistic ya'll.

Even stupid folks sometimes need to get a break from me ya'll. They need love and care too. Although, yes they are irritating and did I meniton, stupid. Maybe they did not get it when they were children, or maybe they were blocked from being the halfway popular kid when they were in high school or mabye they were ostracized in college, maybe that is why he makes an effort to be rude to me when I speak to him. I do not know. Maybe his mama beat him, or maybe his man does, I don't know, maybe I remind him of his ex. the one that left him cause ...mmmm. I do not know. I don't know why she left or what I represent for him. Yesterday was an off day for me, today he was rather amusing and I am glad he did not trip. Welll, really that would have been funny. Oh well, bye bye .... hooked on phonics. I could not help it ya'll. Told you that I am human.

Well F it ya'll. I will pray for the fool. That is a form of love too ya know, to pray for someone who sees you as an issue when you do not know even know their crazy butts.

Let us all pray that the above described folks that we all deal with, that they are no longer stupid nor rude or so afraid of kindness, or think that someone want something from them. Let's pray that they get that when someone wants something they take it or request it. Let's pray that they grow into better people and deal with their own dang issues. And get a personality transplant too if at all possible. Oh, and finally finish hooked on phonics if that is their problem. Amen.

I feel better now ya'll. I am choosing to move forward and love on.... with my bad self ;o) Gotta go now.
