Moving Forward

Moving on from past pains and expectations to my awaiting and blessed future. Ignoring or confronting the ignorance walking steadily toward my destiny with God as the leader of my life. This is my life, my journey and I am going my way. Deal.

Friday, May 12, 2006


I am feeling pretty cool now. Yeah, pretty cool. Today I have pretty much decided to relax.

I picked up Queen Latifah's jazz cd, listened to that in the car instead of getting my J. Moss, Mary Mary or Shekinah Glory on. I prayed for everybody that was on the road this morning. That they drive safely without accident, incident or ticket. That their families are safe and that they arrive home in one piece with no harm to themselves or their property. I also prayed that they would get out of my way. Folk, it is Friday. Move. Still chillin' though like a villian or something like that.

My friend and I we are straight. I kinda decided that I would keep doing me and living my life. If she can't hang she can't. I accept that. It would hurt, but heck I have moved on from bigger stuff than that.

Moving on.

I am getting back out there on the dating scene ya'll. I have played and I've been played. I mark it all up to the game. Honey, I deserve real love. You deserve me iffin I choose you. How bout it shawt?

That is all I gotta say right now. Chillin. You dig. Relaxin'. No drama no mess and clear blue skies.

Yeah, mama still love you even when she don't like you. Get on outta here and have a good weekend.
