Moving Forward

Moving on from past pains and expectations to my awaiting and blessed future. Ignoring or confronting the ignorance walking steadily toward my destiny with God as the leader of my life. This is my life, my journey and I am going my way. Deal.

Thursday, May 04, 2006

Leadership - Relationships

Yeah I cam back to write more drivel. What about it?
Anyhoo. Guys, lead. You know what a real leader does right? Heck I just figured this out myself after talking to my dad, my brother and my other assorted male friends who are successfully and happily involved or married:
They found out what was in the heart of the woman that they were involved with and then they were transparent about their own situation and then they took action about their own stuff. That inspired their women folk to do the same, and that moment of being transparent also known as vulnerability made the women swoon and love him even more and before you know it she is finding him hecka attractive. He is a keeper, I ain't letting go.
Now. That is the type of leadership we want our bosses to have, no? It is the kind that what you want from me your A** should do type of leadership, that get in the trenches and do it with me leadership. Until you know chick though and can trust her (cause let us be real,a big problem we have with each other are trust/fear issues) don't tell her nothing that your boys, your ma or others do not know about and you care about. Not until you trust her.
Women, I cannot say this enough. Stop nagging. Stop it. Not cause of him, you getting on my nerves. His too. Say it no more than twice. Shut. Up. Watch what he decides to do. Men do talk, (shut. up.) but it is sometimes drivel or to see how much crap they can get away with or to see what are you made of. If it is critical to the relationship, peace, something that needs to be discussed, has been discussed and he does get the importance of it/ won't doit/ won't consider it/ agrees to do it and then don't (second inform convo goes here) then ummm, bounce. If it is what you need and he really wants a solid relationship with you in particular he will get the message that this is a deal breaker. I am not saying do not call him or be around him, I am suggesting that you give him time to himself to think/process about that thing and is it worth it to let a good woman go over this situation here. Now if you can't compromise on it, it is that important to you then ma stand your ground. If he decides to say see ya cause to do that for him is a deal breaker then, hurt, cry, scream , hang with your girls and then.... get back out there.
I am learning to do this. My male family members and friends tell me that I am getting a little bit smarter. Whateva. I am finally taking my own dang advice. I understand that with everyone, including friends, either you do or you don't. My not being into pushing folks into doing stuff ie nagging, is a good thing. I need to learn how to cut my losses and move on, or to give the person a moment to process. Heck I need moments to process everybodys request. If I do not take that time I label them as stupid. I am working on that. If I do this surely others need the time. When I am processing I want everyone to shut up. Esp. if you are the one that made the request. Shut up. right now either I am thinking about it, avoiding thinking about it, wondering what you do not understand about the word no, or this is not going to work for me, or I am thinking my old stand by, you are stupid.
Well guys and gals there you are. I am out. Dumb bunny are you still reading this? Dang.
