Moving Forward

Moving on from past pains and expectations to my awaiting and blessed future. Ignoring or confronting the ignorance walking steadily toward my destiny with God as the leader of my life. This is my life, my journey and I am going my way. Deal.

Tuesday, May 16, 2006

He is GOD

I love my friend. I know that she means no harm but to those of you who do not get it, please get this.

Assume that anyone who professes to be a Christian, who can have a comfortable conversation with you about God etc, their beliefs etc., suppose that this person has a relationship with God that is their own. They do not need to put on a show for your benefit, or everytime they open their mouth and voice a concern, a hope, a dream etc. that they need to be informed of how they need to call on and talk to and do the will that God wants them to do. Stop this madness. God listened to Job and never once asked him but did you remember to count on me. All of the prophets had talks with God and He led them amongst and above the doubters, those who would have preferred to be slaves etc. Some of the prophets and leaders of the bible were watching their sheep and doing their thing when God called them to do a greater work. Stop thinking that unless you are in the sanctuary 24/7 that God does not call folks to do, to work on His behalf. You are not God, so what makes you think you have a lock on what God will or won't do? Keep that to yourself. All those tit for tat things you are talking about, I don't know that God. WE ALL FALL SHORT. Get it. Move it along.

To be honest, this is why I and others avoid church like the plague. You join and everything is fine. Then there comes a period where everyone wants you to dress up and play "I am a church conformist". Man asks for that, not God. I always assume that a person who has decided to be a Christian, a person who has decided to quest for themselves their purpose in God's word inquired with God about everything. I don't try to make them "Thank God", "Pray about it", etc. Why not you ask, well I assume that if their quest is to be what God wants them to be they are talking to HIM anyway. I will pray for them and with them that they are on track, that they stay on track, that they listen to God and have the strength to go against the crowd when they need to. That they keep their eyes on their paper and do their thing. The thing that God has called them to do.

How come folks don't get that being in the body of Christ means acting like the body does. In other words, every cell, organ, muscle etc work for the betterment of the body, the improvement of life etc. to maintain life. Yet they are all doing a job that on the offset has nothing to do with each other, but stepping back a little you note how they all work efficiently together. How come this is not understood in the church community I do not know.

Please stop trying to stuff all Christian folks in a box. We all do not have the same parents, we did not grow up alike, we do not look at life alike, we did not have the same childhood and life experiences, and it is all a part of God's plan. Either you believe that God is the master potter and has a reason for every curve and loop or you don't. If He is the master planner and someone is opting to find their path and to go their way, why are you tripping out so hard that it is not the way you think, that the person does not act behave and believe like you think that they should? God is everywhere, and when He needs you He will use you. Sometimes friends need you to listen, sometimes friends need you to hear them. God listened to the laments of Job and HE answered. He did not like the comments of those who came as friends to talk to Job. Read the bible and read His response to them.

Get a grip and get real. I ain't doing pretend anymore. I know that I am perfect and good at being me where God needs me to be right now. If that don't fit your plans, move on. I ain't trying to fit in your plans, your box or your life. Iffin that is too hard for you to get, move on. I will miss you, Lord knows I love you, but I ain't trying to fit in anymore boxes that man - and that does include you, built.
