Moving Forward

Moving on from past pains and expectations to my awaiting and blessed future. Ignoring or confronting the ignorance walking steadily toward my destiny with God as the leader of my life. This is my life, my journey and I am going my way. Deal.

Tuesday, May 23, 2006


Ya'll I believe in celebrations. I believe in celebrating God, friends, life, the whole kit and kaboodle. Life is difficult and gives plenty of reasons to sit and cry, when you can celebrate life, do that. Victories are to be lifted up as evidence of what God can do and what He can bring you through. Celebrating the daring, those who did the dangerous, the impossible, the person who did wonderful and brilliant things under intense situations, who stood in the fire and made the statements that too few will say..... Celebrate them. Their light when it shines in the darkness does, as a Marriane Williamson quote says, encourages us to shine too. To use our gifts in the way that God intended. Using that gift in the way that God intended brings happiness, fullness to life and even to some prosperity. You are not suppose to hide your light under a bush. Shine.

Some folks got me really concerned about them though. I watched the Oprah's Legend Ball with a sense of pride and an overwhelming need to express to folks how much their daring to in the light of so many saying no, and you should not and how dare you was the norm of their day. To know that in addition to what we see, that there are so many things that these folks do behind the scenes without benefit of applause, to see that these folks who grew up in church and went through their troubles, their issues and still share their gift with the world and continuously share themselves and their wisdom with us..... It touched my heart. I cried ya'll.

Some folks that I discussed this with got so caught up in the opulence and decadence that they did not see what Oprah was really saying or trying to do. I think that she saw this as a way to show off and to take the focus off of God. Me, I saw it as God making sure that these women who have and are paving the way for others of us were honored. To me God is the ultimate creative force. Whom he blesses with these gifts has a choice to make: will they take a chance and share their gift with the world or hide their light under a bush? To make a decision to shine brightly invites everyone into your family, your issues, your life. I personally would not want to do it. I am too private for all of that right there ya'll.

Life is short. When you are here you will go thru many things, many trials and pains. We are all here to support each other in obtaining the courage that we need to fulfill the purpose that God has for us to do. It ain't always easy for the first person to do that thing and get through that challenge, but they endured and made it possible. Celebrations of this, this diligence and determination is a wonderful thing, to me. God wants us to shine a light on each other and illuminate our beauty against the ugliness and evil that surrounds us so that more of us can be encouraged to shine and the veil of lies, fear, shame and hurt can be no more.

Shine on ya'll.
