Moving Forward

Moving on from past pains and expectations to my awaiting and blessed future. Ignoring or confronting the ignorance walking steadily toward my destiny with God as the leader of my life. This is my life, my journey and I am going my way. Deal.

Wednesday, December 13, 2006

Grateful/ Coming to an End - ode to me and 2006

Yeah, I am glad that this period of being upset at folks is coming to an end. It was a long time coming. Yea!!

I keep being me. I keep laughing and smiling, helping who I can and being myself. Yeah, I still cuss time to time, I like my hip-hop, gospel, r&b. I still ain't perfect. I still got some (mucho!) booty to lose HAH! And you know what, it is ok. I still don't talk to that old friend regularly, and that is ok. I am not trying to fix all of that anymore. Every day I am working on loving me more, forgiving me and others, not trying to make others accept me, saying F you to folks when they won't accept how I feel or how I view the world. I am still working on my relationship with God, my folks, my fam. I am still moving forward, moving on. I am still living in my beautiful lil' house, in my dirty but good working lil' car. I am still here. I am still here. I am still here.

My regrets are becoming fewer, and I explain myself less to myself and to others. Deal. I am respecting my heart and listening to my brain as it rambles around. I am moving my body again, and it DOES feel so very good. I am remembering to take my time with myself and pamper myself... somewhat. I am beginning to learn how to face my fears, and my pain, my hopes, and my dreams. I still dream. I still like new music, love all kinds of music and love grooving to it and it is still wonderful to hear it played on the radio, from a cd and live and to share it with others. I still love to write, to sing to .... be an artists which is what I will always be. I still love words, and enjoy a good book. I love smiling... still. I am still silly I am still more willing to laugh than to fight. I still avoid pain at times, and I still hate to be wrong, I still have my friends backs when life is kickin' their ass and I am still there to celebrate with them when it is all good. I am still here. I am still here. I am still here.

I still am fashionable, big girl or no. I still can rock it and put you on your toes bruh and yeah girl.. I see you jocking my stylo and staring at me. You are damn right I am still beautiful. yeah I said STILL.

For the first time I can say that I am glad that I am still me. I did not change enough to fit. I like being who I am. I am STILL HERE. Living and breathing, enjoying and crying, fighting and sometimes giving up, accepting and holding my ground stubbornly, I am still here. I like the me that I am. If you do not like it, you know what you need to do. Get busy then lil' heffa, I gotta go. LOL.

This year was a year of letting go, of accepting that I am enough, that as I am I am lovable, loving, giving and all that other stuff that I am. I do not need to be fixed. I needed to learn that, remember who and what I am, who I have been and where I really want to go. It does not matter if I lose weight, it does not matter if I finish a degree, it does not matter if you are my friend of not, as long as I have God and me, I am enough and I will be fine. Just fine. I am still here.

2007 begins a time of bringing things together. Moving on forward ya'll. I am so glad that in the midst of it all God knew and he knows what he is doing. Despite what other folks tried to tell me - their last shots made. I am enough. If you don't like that, kick bricks. I wish you well, cause I am doing just fine.

Holla back, get the heck out, bye for now all you dumb bunnies!
