Moving Forward

Moving on from past pains and expectations to my awaiting and blessed future. Ignoring or confronting the ignorance walking steadily toward my destiny with God as the leader of my life. This is my life, my journey and I am going my way. Deal.

Monday, November 27, 2006

Thinking about my niece, Alison

I watched my fam over the holiday season. We are quite and interesting mix. LOL. Well I will tell you about my niece.

My niece is a beautiful, dark skinned, teenage girl. We hear her laugh and joke and kid around throughout the entire house. She will come and sit under you and talk telling all of her business. And I mean ALL of it. She has no qualms about telling you anything. I think that this is an endearing quality, and frankly I want her to be comfy telling me stuff so that I can kinda guide her around some of the ruff stuff, feel me? She showed me some lil' ugly boy that she think is cute. More on that in another post. I mean, I was not too mean about the guy cause when I look at some of what I thought was cute... OMG. WT* was I thinking, I do not know. LOL.
Moving along.

She began to tell me about one of her friends. It seems that unlike US who wants to know where are the kids, who are the parents, who hang around those folks etc. her friends mom is a bit too ummm..... relaxed in a nice word. Non attentive is the real word. The young girl called my niece o at my parents home one evening crying and screaming saying that she was raped. Horrible right? My sister,mom and dad went to see about the girl (I was not at my parents house that wkd). My niece was devastated, of course. See the young girls mother was not home. She was at work at night, so we were all under the impression that the brother was sleep and the girl was threatened not to scream and was raped. NOT. My parents even went to the girls grandparents house and told them that the girl needed them because she was raped. Of course the grandparents are too distraught and getting over there to see about her. OK. Ummm. The girl lied. She was sleeping around and her brother caught some lil' boy in the room with her. Come to find out the little girl sleeps with a lot of boys in the apt. complex. Shame. She gets no attention from any of her family folk and went outside to find her self some kind of pleasure. I am praying for the child. I hope her mom talks to her about AIDS and gets her some birth control Q.U.I.C.K.

Well, my niece told the lil' girl that she would come outside and talk to her from now on, she could not come in her grandparents house. Now hold on, cause at first I was like, why she made a mistake, but my niece contends "she might lie on my grandparents or brothers and I would HATE to have to kick her ass, but I will Auntie if she lied and say they raped her or something, I would have to kick her Ass." I could not do anything but sit there with my mouth open and then cry laughing. She IS flesh of our flesh, and that part came straight out, no chaser. Do NOT play with my fam. I will come see about you, trust. Moving on. Then she went ahead and said, "she can't come around me in my house anyway (it is the family house, ya know!), have these boys thinking I am going to give it up. No. I am not. Go do what you are suppose to in the bed by yourself boy. I ain't giving you nothing. NOTHING!" She is 16 as of this Dec. 1st and I tell ya, that made me so proud. She is the one deciding, she asks questions and we (my sis and I cause my mom is real old skool) tell her the truth. We tell her the most important thing and that is that she should decide the when, where, how and why of her first time, not the boy. We also tell her that most boys at her age (a) do not know what they are doing (b) might make her hate the idea of sex (c) the first time should be with someone you really care about/love (d) don't believe the movie hype - if he don't know what he is doing the only thing you want it to be is OVER quickly esp. the first time (e) HIV/AIDS and other horrible STD's will take your life or make your existence difficult (f) sex does not make you a woman and nor does having a child (g) conciously and intelligently making the decision with a clean heart, mind and being ready to accept the consequences of having sex (kids, etc.) now that makes her "Her own Woman" Nothing but some Truth.

That is my girl, I tell you. I pray for my beautiful niece. She is so vulnerable right now to life and peer pressure. Luckily right now, we (fam) are heavier than peer pressure cause she don't want to see us come and see about her either. Trust. I am glad that she listens, ask and more importantly thinks for herself. All the attitude and everything else I will ignore, I just want her to be "Her own Woman", to decide for herself, look and life and make good solid decisions for herself, honor and respect herself and God. That above all else is what I want for her.