Moving Forward

Moving on from past pains and expectations to my awaiting and blessed future. Ignoring or confronting the ignorance walking steadily toward my destiny with God as the leader of my life. This is my life, my journey and I am going my way. Deal.

Tuesday, July 25, 2006

Progressive Christianity?

I am not one of those folks who get up early and go to church. Not now. I have done so, and though I have issues with church and church folks, I do understand that there is great value in the church as well. I recently read about Progressive Christianity. Their doctrine and purpose confuses me.

I am by no means a biblical scholar. I am aware that the church gets some so stirred up that they cannot look at another person who believes what they believe for whatever reason and respect that person and their religion. That is because most people only read the bible when the pastor, good reverend etc tells them to. They have not read and studied Timothy's or Paul's letters to the church. It would instruct them in how they deal with people of different faiths and how come it is imperative that you are a shining example of how to act with people, not how to demean, shoot down or hurt folks when they do not believe in the same fashion that you believe. Other's belief system are steeped in tradition and are familial just like ours. To bum rush someone and claim that their traditions are from the devil is just, wrong. As we do not like crucification from people about our ideas and beliefs, others do not like it when we do it either. Put yourself in their shoes, and if you want a person to consider you and Christ be a good representative of what He is. I have started people on their journey of what Christian's believe and I tell ya, it was not because I told them that I do not believe in Hinduism, Buddhism etc. It is because when they asked I told them about my beliefs, I apologized when I was wrong..... I tried daily to be a good representative of Christ and when I fell short, I apologized.

When I read the information on Progressive Christianity I was appalled. I believe in Christ. Nothing that they said about folks who do not regularly come to church applied to me. Well correction, I think the church attempts to control thought processes so much that it makes the Gospel irrelevant to what is going on today. You are not to question, you are not to say why, you are to agree blindly. No, only fools walk behind others like sheep to slaughter. I was instructed to ask, to inquire and to look for the fruit that surrounds a person who wishes to direct me. Some people think that material things are the only show of fruit, I say that the fruit is also represented in how a person is, how they act and how humble they are as they inform you honestly how they have been changed. That is fruit. People walk away because the church, though it is to be open to any kind of volunteering as long as it uplifts God and is done in His name, it is His will being done, that type of volunteering and giving of self if pooh-poohed if it is not done in the church. A lot of folks walk away because people who are "churched' often forget that they had/have a log in their eye. They walk around attempting to convict and condemn you. People beat up on themselves enough. Don't need your help but thanks. Try whispering the issue instead of getting tired of the person being slow. By your behavior you sometimes show folks how truly"slow" you are. People avoid church because folks try to pretend as though real change does not take work. It does. You gotta face that thing and forgive yourself and others. What in the heck is work ? If that does not consitute work I do not know what does.

People leave church because unfortunately church often cuts people off. Yeah, it is not a perfect place, but truth is, too often it is not a welcoming place either. Everything that happens in the world occurs in church, so I come in here to be condemned and convicted and to still sit amongst this mess? No, I will not. Church sometimes ask too much. Yes, some people are really struggling, they really are. Let them volunteer. Stop telling folks that if they do not give money God will not help, hear or heed them. That is a lie. Stop trying to convince folks that if they are not perfect God will punish them or will not fully help them. I have heard versions of this bull for all the time I have gone to church. Too much of this is man judging man. Too much of this is not from the Word. Too much of this is not about building God a kingdom. God's church is made of people and not a building, not a gym, not a child care center. It is made up of people. Too often churches - the leaders - forget this. Church is holy. It is beautiful. It is where God resides. He also resides in the heart and actions of everyone on the earth who allows Him in and manifest in our actions our prayer, praise etc. Jehovah is here with me now.

People stop coming cause church too often becomes a grandstand for man. Period. People are expecting an everlasting, loving, caring God, and people who want the same and too often the church and its leaders forget that the first law is to love each other. Love. That is what people come to the church for, to God for. LOVE. Not money, prosperity or a bigger building, LOVE.

When church begins remembering its purpose and lives and grows with the people, oh what a change will come and what a time.