Moving Forward

Moving on from past pains and expectations to my awaiting and blessed future. Ignoring or confronting the ignorance walking steadily toward my destiny with God as the leader of my life. This is my life, my journey and I am going my way. Deal.

Friday, June 02, 2006

Stop saying moo...

Moving along. I like to keep it moving. Look at the flowers, the trees, the road kill even pull over and think and pray about it, but I keep moving ya'll. That is the way it goes folks.

OK. Stop saying moo and following a crowd.

I am not bougie. Well, I am not one of those folks who think think that the job I have and the money I make makes me. Like I got this one, it can be snatched away or I can get a better one. I am blessed and I do not pretend otherwise, but I do not act better than you just becasue I am doing well, or because I know a little bit more or because I have experiences you do not. That is cool. This ain't no proving mission, Mission Impossible v. 2.4 Get real. People who are like that irritate the hell out of me. Now that does not mean that I do not have standards, however my standards are about character to wit some of the most so-called ghetto folks are cooler to me than some of the bougie ones. I have also experienced some people who will fool ya with the right talk and right phrases but they are just playing the "I am Bougie too, Let's talk" game. I am aiight with those folks. I wish that they would not play, but I guess some folks gotta play in order to make life better for others so I watch amused and they play folks to the left and then later talk about how infantile they are, how childish or how .... bougie.

Now do not get me wrong. Being bougie is not when you introduce yourself to a better way of living and instead of your child thinking she wants to be like Dora the Explorer she would rather be a Princess. No. Being bougie is when you buy into the trappings of what the things say that you are. The Lex says that I am better and smarter than you. No, sharing info with those that are ignorant and enlightening them for a better way to save money, spend money, go to school, get into a field they are interested in, sweetie, that is when you are better and smarter. Ya'll know what I am saying. Being bougie is not the way in how you live, or what you deem meets your standards ie. a certain brand of shoe or cereal. It is not what behavior you think is appropriate in certain situations either. Being bougie is when you think that because you have this shoe or this thing you cannot relate to someone who is struggling or it is so far beneath you that to identify with that, help out another when you can, and to be mindful that there are others fighting that battle that is old to you now and remaining somewhat humbled by what you made it through and over well that would be sacreligious. It is forgetting that just because someone has not been exposed it does not make them less than.... you or anyone else. That is what bougie is. It is an attitude or superiority due to experiences or material things. Being bougie is neglecting your responsibility to help your fellow man with info, assistance or even basic compassion.

This attitude seperates us, making a us against them attitude. For example the trappings of material wealth have influenced the workings of some churches. The trappings of material wealth has determined what some feel that a church should look like, how the members should dress and what the preacher should be about and (lol) possess. Now again, if the church is in an affluent area I do understand, but if someone comes in who are having financial or family issues how those church members treat them, with disdain or compassion does determine whether wealth, good standing or God is the reason that they are truly there. The very place where inclusion and uplifting should be has become a place where to often those who are struggling are made to feel ashamed or not blessed by God (which is ridiculous. good health, a strong family, love etc. are blessing from God and a lot more valuable) due to not having a host of material things. It is pretty sad.

No. I am not one of those who beleive in poverty. Not. ME! However, I am one of those who does know that when you are blessed your life should be a blessing to others and not about just being better than someone else. Your life, y0ur activities etc should reflect your purpose and your passions. Or who or what are you really living for? Not only that, when getting that thing that makes you better than everyone else is your main concern, ummm, that is your main focus how are you really enjoying life anyway always focusing on what someone else says will make your life special or you better than someone? It is a fight of futility. Not only that it makes us all conformist, which I am completely against in some instances. It affects our culture in negative ways and make us more susceptible to doing things we would not do and do not enjoy doing trying to keep up with who and what? Wateva.

Who ultimately benefits from this attitude then of I have this so I am better than you? Who got some of ya'll constantly playing this futile game? You work for them, their execs make millions you make less than 1 tenth - dare I say less than 1 percent of their salaries every year. As any true researcher eventually finds out, follow the money and there's your answer. Business. Big business. Their not all evil, but to many could give a crap less about their workers and less about their consumers. The advertisements, the entertainment and the laws are all there for them to make more money and more money and more money. I mean look at the FDA laws about food, how calories are counted what kind of crap and feces are allowed and it is NOT a low number ya'll. It is usually hovering around 20%. Who in the crap does that benefit again? Keep the poor impoverished, make them spend hard earned cash to feel better cause of a name on their butt, chest or face. Make it expensive as all get out to purchase. Pay the folks in Taiwan etc. .80 an hour to keep making it. Charge the US folks $100 + to get it. Make over 100% profit. Come up with a different item, an updated version. Watch them scramble to purchase it again. They want to feel better and do not want to deal with the real work of getting to better so let's let them think they can buy it or eat it or go here or there to get it. Falling for this hype is stupid. Bougie even.

Stop saying moo and determine your own standards, live life the way that you need to. Get mentally free. And financially free. And intellectually free. Get free.
