Moving Forward

Moving on from past pains and expectations to my awaiting and blessed future. Ignoring or confronting the ignorance walking steadily toward my destiny with God as the leader of my life. This is my life, my journey and I am going my way. Deal.

Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Cleaning it up

Moving out of the
funk and
the trash
that needed to be thrown
out yesterday
along with the
useless past and that
pile of regrets
I picked them up and
placed them in the bin
Old News and pulled out the new bins
marked on the top with
God's business
dusted out the goal and dream bins
to fill them with new hopes
destinations and adventures
and rambled through the
friend bins getting rid
of all kinds of pest
fruit flies
roaches and all disgusting, harmful parasites
I killed a few flies and spiders
threw some of them out due to
infestations of various kinds
I ain't getting sick!
took a moment to sit and breathe
fresh clean air
remembered that those books
with their discoloring pages
filled with lies
and ugly words
that others wrote and I shamefully
began to believe
I tossed those tomes of ignorance and stupidity
in the bins as well
Rest and Relaxed in my comfortable chair
surrounded by
soft whispers of true wisdom
contentment and peace
to my suprise
forgiveness, future plans and present ideas
stood up
shook themselves loose of
the dust and
stepped into the light
to grow
and to my right
I noticed that old mirror that
holds my beautiful reflection
is covered in dust and filth from
my inattention it has either got to go
or be refurbished
Smiling now as I remember the beautiful lil' girl
who believed in herself and her gifts
that mirror I will keep and
make mine again
Starting my revolutionary life
Taking no prisoners
and no trash
It is time to groom my room
and see the new possibilities
free myself of the filth and dust of yesteryear
and place it out on the corner for
Trash pick up day is every day
with my spirit and soul
A brandnew day, a brandnew time
I am bringing fresh vibrant paints
new ideas
the journey is beginning - again
Freedom is gonna look real good
in my space, in my life
and on me
Watch out for your invite
to the Grand Opening
