Moving Forward

Moving on from past pains and expectations to my awaiting and blessed future. Ignoring or confronting the ignorance walking steadily toward my destiny with God as the leader of my life. This is my life, my journey and I am going my way. Deal.

Monday, August 14, 2006

Move Forward

Do not be afraid to move forward. When you can rest, rest. When it is time to move, move. Do not wait until complacency is impossible because you are that uncomfortable about the current situation. Keep your eyes on your goals and move when it is time, when you become restless. Seek and be open to possibilities and opportunities.

Some folks are beautiful and pleasant seasonal distractions. Like dogwood flowers or cherry blossoms. Some people are like fungi beautiful but dangerous to your digestive system. The distractions are there so that God can do the other work that needs to be done in your Life for His Purpose. Do not call or assume that distractions are friends or are really concerned about you. Whether they are a pain in the butt or you can grin and joke with them accept them for what they are. They are the first line to let you know when it is time for you to move forward - they begin to slowly whither before they fall. They are like leave beginning to change on a tree limb, their color begans to fade and they are not that brilliant and vibrant, fact is they are rather small, insignificant and dull. Let them die on that limb painlessly, the way they came in. When you note this is going on, remember this too, it is more than likely in some area in your life, time to move forward. Remember you can spot these folks when the season changes - they will do so as well and in dramatic fashion, bud to blossom, ashes to ashes, and then most certainly dust to dust. Wish them well and move on into your destiny. Move on into your spot light and pay attention to the scene that you are starring in now. They are major players in their own play, they were a brief interlude and short time player on your stage. Wish them well and grow. Move forward and push on. With a smile ya'll, always with a smile.
