Moving Forward

Moving on from past pains and expectations to my awaiting and blessed future. Ignoring or confronting the ignorance walking steadily toward my destiny with God as the leader of my life. This is my life, my journey and I am going my way. Deal.

Friday, August 04, 2006

Me Time

Why is it that I keep reading female blogs with the same theme that I have "It is time for me and me alone" "If the right comes along great, if not, oh well"

Men, I mean how can I put this. We ain't stressing no more. I do not know what happened. Once upon a time I cared to death. I mean, I desperately met guys, got used, had to act a fool a few times, I mean - the whole yard and line. What happened? I think I realize that I need me. I will say it again, I Need Me. More women are getting the same frame of mind. Why, you ask?

My life is simple without you. Nobody I gotta keep reminding I am not their mom, not a maid, not their personal anytime freak (I gotta work man!). My life is at peace, no arguing cause the house is quiet and there is a game on, no looking in my fridge and wondering if you know what an apple looks like. None of that. I am not explaining myself 24/7. I don't have to listen to explanations 24/7, no silly baby mama drama, no having to tell somebody that my change is good for me and having to justify why I am changing - why I gotta change for me. No boxes for me to stay in for another's sake. True respect and love of self is what I am getting now, no bs allowed.

Now do I want to be in a relationship? Not right now. Right now I am getting to ME. I have stopped equating being alone with being lonely or not being complete. I have married friends talking about regrets, how they wished they could do, what they wish they could do, how they love their life but not all of the drama, the discord, the fighting to get someone to understand that just because yes they can find the energy to do, they need sleep too. They need rest too. They need to hang out with their girls too. They struggle to get him to get the kids, to keep the kids, or he complains and rants on and on about what he did, that he washed clothes, fixed a meal, cleaned up a lil' somethin'. Naw, none of that right now. In the future, the next 2-3 years yeah, a relationship will be cool. Right now I am learning, growing and getting me in shape physically, spiritually, emotionally. None of that other stuff right now.
